Jesus ministry

Jesus Christ at the Center of it ALL

Ever since I was a very young child, even before I became a follower of Jesus, I have had a passion for people- especially children and women who are underprivileged in life. Whenever I saw someone without food, money, clothes, shelter or any other need, my heart would bleed, and I would always seek to do something about it, I didn’t know it was a ministry.


I remember embracing and nursing dirty kids in my hands without fearing contracting any sicknesses. I will never forget an incident when I was eleven years old. One of my relatives left her husband and abandoned five children. Out of my compassion, I cared for all those children.


I would wash all their clothes, bathe each of them and prepare food for them every day for many years. I would help the old ladies with household work or any other needs. All these were done from my heart. No one would force me to do it. No book or seminar encouraged me to carry the burden of those in need. I just did; it was just in me.


Then, later, when I knew Jesus as my personal saviour and started reading the scriptures, the burden grew bigger and bigger. Stories like that of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), the poor widow (1st Kings 17:7-16), the woman who touched Christ’s garment (Luke 8:43-48) and many more (which show someone in need and how that need was met) would always touch my heart and increase my burden for the needy. I then realised that this passion to help others was God working through me, not my own. I started serving those in need even more purposefully, understanding that I was not merely meeting human needs but also honouring and glorifying God as I did.


Another step in my life is when my husband felt the call to become a pastor. At first, I felt that church leadership ministry was only for my husband, not mine. I used to believe I was not a good preacher and would only help people in need whenever possible. Little did I know God’s big picture. Soon, I realised that being a pastor’s wife was an excellent platform for my “mercy ministry.” Being a co-leader of local churches with my husband became one of the greatest privileges for me to meet and help people.


I soon found myself surrounded by children and women who affectionately called me “Mother” because of the small acts of service I was able to provide. My husband and I have taken in orphans over the years, helping some pursue an education and become self-sufficient. We’ve aided the sick in accessing medical care so they could be made well. We’ve assisted aspiring ministers with Bible college tuition, empowering them to launch their ministries.


I share this not from a place of pride or self-importance but profound gratitude. The Lord has graciously used an ordinary woman like myself to advance His Kingdom through small contributions. It’s a privilege to serve and make a difference in people’s lives in Jesus’ name. All glory goes to God for working through willing vessels.


Later, I realised the need to be trained in theology and ministry at the Assemblies of God School of Theology. I recall adamantly refusing any calling to be a pastor during my student days. I did not look at what I was doing as part of pastoral work but just as a human being helping fellow human beings in the name of Jesus. But God had other plans. I soon began to grow deeper in God and finally saw myself not just as a pastor’s wife but God also started to reveal my pastoral calling to me. So I said “Yes” to Him. Pastoring churches alongside my husband has always been spiced by my compassion ministry. I can tell numerous stories of what we have done towards the suffering in the name of Jesus. To Him be all the glory!


Another chapter opened in my life when I was appointed by the top leadership of the Malawi Assemblies of God denomination as a National Chairperson of Women’s Ministry. When chosen for this role, I felt no hesitation or doubt – it was a natural calling from God through these leaders. Not for the sake of wanting a ‘position’ or ‘respect’ but because I saw God expanding the scope of my ministry. He called me to shepherd the Malawi Assemblies of God ladies nationwide with compassion. Even the Women’s Ministry constitution I was to follow resonated deeply. Everything it said about ministering to women aligned with my heart’s passion for serving others. What an awesome God to connect my gifts and desires so seamlessly with this greater purpose!

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